African Technological Development Index (ATDI)

The African Technological Development Index (ATDI) indicator seeks the ability of each country to take advantage of the evolution of science and technology to boost economic growth and create jobs.

The speed of economic progress for a modern country is linked to its ability to embrace technology and harness the opportunities that it presents effectively.

The control of science and technology are the main keys that will open the doors of progress. In order to become prosperous, some requirements need to be fulfilled:

  • Strong and well-equipped universities;
  • Platforms for engineers, scientists, and inventors need to be created, to enable them to demonstrate and to share their know-how;
  • Existing industries should develop research activities to improve the quality of their products in order to become more competitive;
  • Research sector need to be fully supported by african governments, through various funding agencies;
  • Governments should develop strategies that enable the implementation of the outcomes of the results of research on the ground to support their economies. Yes, technology transfer? Here we are.

The African Technological Development Index (ADTI) indicator is a tool that will provide to each African country hints on the real situation about the state of technology control.  It is a preventive guide whose aim is to help each country better equip itself to support its economic growth by developing incentive policies that promote the conquest of scientific and technological knowledge.

Ranking indicators:

The African Technological Development Index (ATDI) ranks African countries according to their capacity, into 7 groups of indicators: Higher education infrastructure & equipment, Research & Development, Technology Innovation & start-ups, Platforms of exchange & conference, Human capital, Entrepreneurial investment, vocational training.